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Registered Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with every day occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions. - RMTAO.

Our Massage Therapists


Lora Foster,
Registered Massage Therapist

Intern in Osteopathic Manual Therapy at Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal

For Lora, Massage Therapy was an obvious gateway into Manual Therapies, which evolved to the study of Osteopathic Manual Therapy. With her vast knowledge and experience as a Massage Therapist (beginning in 2003) her treatments can be tailored to suit the client where they are on their wellness journey.


Her holistic approach to Massage Therapy considers your well being on a mental, emotional and physical level, looking to bring balance and restore fluidity to your systems by normalizing blockages in your musculoskeletal, visceral, craniosacral and fascial systems.


Whether she is accompanying you through stressful times, recovering from injury, getting through a medical treatment or regular maintenance most would agree she is an approachable, attentive professional and knowledgeable, skilled therapist to have at your side.


Recognized by all insurance companies as a Registered Massage Therapist, she provides insurance receipts for all her massage treatments.


Krista Eisner,
Registered Massage Therapist

Over 17 years of practice as a registered massage therapist has taught me that our bodies hold more of the answers to our healing than we may think.  If we take the time to listen to the body as a whole, it will often show us exactly what it needs.

My treatment style is precise, using a well-integrated blend of myofascial and craniosacral assessments and techniques that often include some form of visualization, breathing or body awareness exercise. Becoming aware of and attuned to our bodies is an important step to opening communication with the tissues and providing the opportunity for growth and change.

I am passionate about helping people achieve and even exceed their personal health goals. Whether that's through working with me alone or by collaborating with complementary professionals in the community. Expect homework - your results will reflect your commitment to self care. My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to help maintain a healthy and pain free state of being. That means something different for everyone as our bodies, patterns and life experiences are all different. Each person needs a plan that is unique for their body.

My practice includes men, women and children of all ages, but I have a special interest in working with infants and mothers surrounding pregnancy.  After many years unraveling lifelong compounded tensions and traumas in adults, I am inspired to help babies get the best start to life possible.  

I spent 12 rewarding years owning and operating a busy downtown wellness centre while providing mentorship to newer therapists. After having 2 children, I have recently chosen a slower life pace that allows for walks to work along the river and more time with my young family. Come visit me at my new office on Beechwood!

©2020 by Santé Health Beechwood.

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