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Osteopathy is considered by many to be one of the most comprehensive types of manual healing therapy available today. Most Canadian osteopaths have undergone 4 to 6 years training, and a great many are physiotherapists who seek to broaden their scope of intervention.

Osteopathy is a gentle form of manual therapy who's efficiency is found in part from the fact it works with so many aspects of the body: bones, joints, muscles, fasciae (conjunctive tissues), organs, cranial tensions. It seeks to release blocages (tensions) that could be contributing to symptoms (nerve and blood vessel compressions, myo-fascial tensions causing joint mobility restrictions, bad mechanics etc...).

Our Osteopaths

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Maryse Tassé 
Osteopathic Manual

(613) 204-1657

How I found Osteopathy

I have always been fascinated by how the body moves. As a child, I became a competitive gymnast and as a young adult, I studied in a professional contemporary dance training program. It was in this context that I suffered a foot injury that resulted in having to walk with a cane for seven years. During that time, I explored various treatment modalities that might help me heal. I eventually discovered osteopathy, was treated with success and I never used a cane again. I was struck by how effective such an approach to health that combined elements of different modalities was.

As I explored osteopathy further, I realized that it not only combined tools to work with bones, joints, muscles and the cranium and its dura, but also with organs and their fascia that suspend them to bones and joints. For some osteopaths, including myself, treatments also include work with the etheric body (or energy fields).

My Practice

Being a mother and having experienced some of the health challenges that can accompany pregnancy, childbirth and perinatal life,  I developed a deeper sensitivity and knowledge about the health of women, babies, children as well as the health of the entire family that supports them. I work with people of all ages, people who have varied work, professions and life experiences.

I deeply believe that the more tools we have the more chances we have of addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, which are different for each person. I believe in multi-disciplinary work and in my practice, I collaborate with other experts who can offer complementary perspectives and treatments.

Through osteopathy, I work to help people on their path towards healthier lives.

If you have any questions concerning osteopathy and your health or that of your loved ones, please do not hesitate to contact me. It will be my pleasure to discuss these with you.

Training and Work Experience​

My name is Maryse Parkinson Tassé. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in osteopathy. In 2010 I completed a four and a half year full time training program (over 4000 hours) at the Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques in Montreal that is accredited by Wales University in the UK. This is one of the most comprehensive programs in Canada. I then obtained my Diploma of Osteopathy (DO) when I completed a thesis on the impacts on the mechanics of birthing of a back condition called spondylolisthesis. I received for this thesis the 2014 Andrew Taylor Still Award granted each year to the best qualitative research presented to an International Jury in Montreal.,.. This training meets the norms set by the World Health Organisation in 2010. Continuous learning is important to me, and I have participated yearly in postgraduate training on various topics, from athletics to perinatal specialities. I teach osteopaths and work with midwives to better the support offered to people living with spondylolisthesis both within and outside of the obstetrical context.



Visual dysfunctions

Spondylolisthesis management

Orthodontic assistance or prevention

You can reach me

by phone at (613) 204-1657 or

by email at


Robin Breger
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner

(343) 262-6797

Robin has been practicing osteopathy since 2007 and has practiced in many different settings around the world. She has extensive experience working with a large variety of clients, including athletes, dancers, military personnel, infants, children, teenagers, pregnant women, elderly people, trauma victims and people living with chronic pain/illness.

Education and training

Robin trained at the Collège D’Études Ostéopathiques in Montreal, Canada, which included over 4000 hours of courses in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, embryology, radiology, psychology, nutrition, professional ethics and osteopathic manual techniques, as well as the completion a clinical research  project (The Immediate Effects of Osteopathic Treatment on the Singing Voice). Before studying osteopathy she obtained a B.A. in Philosophy (Hon) from MgGill University in Montreal, Canada. In addition to her osteopathic and university studies, Robin has attended over 1000 hours of courses in related fields, including Shiatsu massage therapy, Life Coaching and Reiki. She has also completed a Yoga Alliance accredited yoga teacher training and has taught hatha yoga classes. Her approach to healing has been shaped by a variety of thinkers, teachers and practices and is continually evolving.

She is fluently bilingual and comfortable offering services in both English and French.


Robin's approach

Robin aims to optimize her clients' unique alignment by removing various tensions, residual effects of injury/trauma and other restrictions from the body’s tissues. By doing so, she hopes to help their systems to find a more adapted way of operating. 



Lora Foster
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner


For Lora, Massage Therapy was an obvious gateway into Manual Therapies, which then evolved to the study of Osteopathic Manual Therapy. She graduated from one of the most comprehensive osteopathic training programs in Canada, the Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques, with a training program going beyond the 4000 hours standard set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).


With her vast knowledge and over 18 years experience as an RMT (beginning in 2003) her treatments can be tailored to suit the client where they are on their wellness journey.


Her holistic approach to Osteopathy considers your well being on a mental, emotional and physical level, looking to bring balance and restore fluidity to your systems by normalizing blockages in your musculoskeletal, visceral, craniosacral and fascial systems.


Whether she is accompanying you through stressful times, recovering from injury, getting through a medical treatment or regular maintenance, she is an approachable, attentive professional and knowledgeable, skilled therapist to have at your side.

©2020 by Santé Health Beechwood.

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